At Kailash, we believe in the best. Our infrastructure is quite unlike any other printer in India. With a firmly established background in the hospitality sector for decades (numerous hotels and restaurants nationwide under the Bell banner) we strongly believe that service comes first. Be it customer service, or service in any kind to our staff and shareholders. These values, when coupled with world-class machinery, a green and sustainable environment, superior manufacturing processes in all departments creates a stunning hybrid of a company. It needs to be seen to be believed.
We have taken several steps to upgrade our infrastructure and facilities to match international standards to maintain the production of consistently world class products.
Continuous investments in Printing Technology ensure that the latest techniques and effects can be employed.
To compliment our printing, we have adequate capacities in cutting, folding, collating and wire stitching. No matter how large or small our project is, it will receive the highest standard of care and attention from our fully trained finishing operators, ensuring the result our customer want is achieved.